We do two things really well here in our Dublin Bike Fit Studio. We do premium Retül bike fitting in Ireland, and we give you the chance to win free Retül Bike Fitting.
When we’re not busy doing the former, we’re doing the latter. So here we are again with another chance for you to come to our studio here in Dublin, and get a Retül Bike Fitting for free!
It’s easy to fit you to your bike, but we’re always looking for opportunities to provide Bike Fitting in Ireland. So our latest opportunity comes at the Tri-Zone at this years 2014 Dublin Marathon Expo.
Triathlon is a grueling sport, and a professional bike fit can make a huge difference to any triathlete’s performance, comfort, and results. So we’ve teamed up with the Dublin Marathon Expo to give away 2 free Retül Bike Fitting Sessions!
So while we’ve already made it easy for cyclists to get bike fitting done thanks to our Cycling Ireland Bike Fitting Discount – we now want to bring some rewards to triathletes who want to benefit from exceptional bike fitting.
All you have to do is come along to the Tri-Zone at the Dublin Marathon Expo in the RDS, and enter to win a free Retül Bike Fitting. We are giving away 2 free Retül Bike Fittings, so you have double the chance to win with us!
Besides the chance to win, there are some great giveaways all around the Expo, and plenty on display showcasing what’s new in triathlon and running in Ireland and around the world.
We’ll also have the Retül Müve Dynamic Fit Bike on display, showing you exactly how we use the Retül system along with our bike fitter’s experience to find the millimeter precise bike fit for you.
As always, if you have any questions you can call us here in Dublin on 01 843 3712.